Mobile selectors and reference fields
Thanks to the available mobile selectors, app users can edit reference fields or perform searches on the forms in their app. In the Live app configuration, mobile selectors are used to define the 'behavior' of these reference fields. Frequently used reference fields belong to business objects such as Properties, Departments, Assets, Spaces or Requests.
A reference field on a business object points to a record of another business object. For example, a Space reference field on a Request will refer to a specific space. By clicking the Select a value button in a reference field, a list of records from this other business object is displayed. Users can select one of these records to create a reference to their selected record.
Example: Request forms on the app will often include reference fields driven by selectors. On a request form for catering or cleaning, frequently used reference fields are Reservation unit, Space, Cost center or Department.
If no mobile selector exists in a web definition for a referenced business object, it is automatically created when adding a field of this type to a web definition.
However, you can also manually add a selector.
You can add selectors to:
Field types such as 'pop-up' fields, 'search' fields and 'display value' fields on business objects.
Standard orders
Support users with actions on the app by adding a display text
On a selector, you can configure a Display text. This text can be used to support users when they are performing actions on the app. Configure a Code field, Name field or any other simple field (such as a string, integer or big decimal field) for the display text.
You cannot select reference fields or calculated fields as display text of a selector.
Help users to select fields by providing additional context on a selector
On the Mobile selectors web definition, a Filter block is available. You can add fields to this Filter block to provide additional context to reference fields. When app users fill in these reference fields, for example on an Add form, Edit page or a on a Filter page, the field values from the filter block are used to filter the list.
Example: the Property field is added to the Filter block of a Spaces mobile selector. Result: if a property is already filled in on the app (automatically or by the user) and the user wants to select a space on the same form / page, the displayed list is filtered to only show spaces from that property.