Assets module - Assets web definition
Planon Live app comes with a preconfigured, ready-to-use Assets module.
In this Assets module you can add a new Assets based web definition or further customize an existing one. The standard delivered Assets web definition enables app users to search for corporate assets.
The Assets module supports the use of user-defined assets. This means you can have different layouts and fields on the app for different user-defined types of assets. For example: you may require a different layout for Furniture than for M&E assets. For information on how to configure a sub web definition per user-defined asset, see PMFS Live app - Assets module configuration.
The Assets module also supports displaying the multiple locations of non-unique assets. The Planon Attributes feature is currently not supported by the Planon Live app.
For more information on configuring user-defined business objects in Planon, see Field definer .