Core TSIs : Lease Accounting : Lease accounting event overview : Generating and viewing a lease accounting event overview
Generating and viewing a lease accounting event overview
It is possible to create a snapshot of the lease accounting event data for a specific accounting period.
1. Trial close a contract.
Based on the contract's closure date, the commitments will be (trial) closed. As a result, snapshot data and lease accounting event data is created.
2. Go to Lease accounting event overview.
This TSI consists of a number of levels and steps.
3. In Accounting periods, select the accounting period(s) for which you want to view or display lease accounting event data.
When an accounting period is closed, a snapshot is linked to it. The periods are assigned by Planon.
4. In Filters, you can make a selection to narrow down your results.
This level or the steps in it are optional, you could even skip them.
5. Go to Contract snapshots, this level displays your snapshot.
The data of the accounting period(s) selected earlier, is captured in a single snapshot.
Each time you close a contract, a single snapshot is created. This is true if your contract comprises one or multiple accounting periods. An accounting period can also be linked to multiple contracts.
6. Go to Contract line snapshots, this level displays a snapshot of the contract lines.
The data in this level as well as in the previous level is populated when you trial close a contract.
7. Go to Event details, this level consists of two steps: Lease accounting event data and Financial event registration data.
Lease accounting event data displays the accounting commitments and its related data (dates, payments, events, etc.). You can export this data and make it available to a financial system via a tailor made solution, or create a report. For a description of its fields, see Lease accounting event data - fields.
Financial event registration data lists (a snapshot of) the financial events that were registered for the contract line when closing the period. For a list of events, see Financial event registration.