Core TSIs : Lease Accounting : Working with lease accounting : Manually adding an indexed amount
Manually adding an indexed amount
Amounts can change based on contractually agreed indexation. Planon has a built-in feature to calculate and register indexed amounts. If you prefer not to use the Planon indexing feature, you can also manually add amounts in Planon that have been indexed by another tool or application. The Add indexed amount manually action allows you to directly register a new amount on a specific reference date.
For more information on price indexing using the built-in feature in Planon, see Adjusting contract prices using indexation.
If you manually add an indexed amount, Planon processes this as an indexation. If you manually add an amount change via the Add modification action, Planon processes this as an amount change and not as an indexation.
1. At the Contracts selection level, select the contract for which you want to register an indexed amount.
2. Go to Contract details > Contract lines.
3. Select the required lease contract line(s).
4. On the action panel, click Add indexed amount manually.
The Enter values pop-up opens.
5. In the Add modification on field, specify the date on which the change is to become effective and click OK.
6. Enter a new amount in the Amount field.
7. Click OK.
Planon automatically populates the Reason for price change field on the contract line with the value MNL_INDEX - manual indexation. The amount change is logged as an INDEXATION event (for more information on financial events, see Financial event registration).