Accounting commitment types
The following accounting commitment types are supported:
AMT, Amount change
ARO, ARO (Asset Retirement Obligation or Restoration costs)
CHANGE, Headlease change
CORRECTION, Correction
ELC, End of lease commitment
ELS, Economic life span
EXC_AMOUNT, Execution amount
EXC_PUR, Purchase option - execution amount
FINE_AMT, Fine amount
FVC, Fair Value Change
GRV, Guaranteed Residual Value
INI, Initial
IDC, Initial direct costs
IIC, Initial installation costs
IMP, Impairment
INCID, Incidental
LI, Lease incentive
OST, Offset amounts
PRP, Prepay
R, Regular
REM, Remeasurement
REXP_CLT, Rental expense cancellation
RS, Reduced scope
RS_ENDDATE, Reduced scope end date
SLB, Sale and leaseback
SL_CHANGE, Sublease change
SL_END, Sublease end
SL_ENDSUSP, Sublease end suspended
SL_RENEW, Sublease renewal
SL_START, Sublease start
UNP, Upfront non-refundable payment
URV, Unguaranteed Residual Value