Application management : Configuration : Layouts : Layouts : Activating auto-completion for fields
Activating auto-completion for fields
For some field types that are frequently used, it is useful to enable the auto-complete feature so that users only have to type a few characters to complete a field.
On the Details panel in Layouts you can activate the auto-complete function for reference fields of your choice.
1. In All business objects, select the business object for which you want to set one or more fields to auto-complete.
Typical reference fields for which this feature might be convenient are:
Asset ID
Internal tradesperson
2. Go to Layouts and set the relevant layout to Under construction.
3. Click the field for which you want to configure auto-completion settings.
4. On the Details panel set the field Auto-complete active? to Yes.
5. In the Auto-complete - min. no. of characters field, enter the number of characters after which the auto-completion function should show suggestions. For example 3.
6. In the Auto-complete - response delay (milliseconds) enter the number of milliseconds after which the list of suggestions should be displayed. For example 300.
7. Click Save and set the business object's status back to Completed.
8. Log off/on to implement your changes.