Planon IoT : IoT Use Cases : Receiving notifications
Receiving notifications
Once the setup is completed and everything is configured, notifications will be sent to the Planon application if conditions are met.
These notifications are sent to the Planon application as Inbound raw messages.
Inbound raw messageInbound raw message
These messages can be monitored, and appropriate action can be taken to overcome the situation that is reported.
In time, these messages will be automatically processed and converted into work orders.
The sensor records in a climate controlled environment records that its has been too high for longer than 15 minutes.
This triggers a condition that subsequently results in a message that is sent to the Planon application.
Appropriate action can be taken to resolve the situation.
Should the situation revert to normal again, a restore action is sent to annul the previous alert:
Humidity within range
Temperature within range
Power restored
Door restored