Using API Keys
In addition to the username and password for logging into the IoT Platform Portal, IoT Platform support sends you a Client ID and Client Secret that can be placed in the header of each API request.
This Client ID and Client Secret in the request header serve as authentication and specify the Application(s) to which this user is allowed access.
The following is an example of the request containing an authentication Client ID (appId) and Client Secret:
GET /odata/devices/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
clientId : 4A95B4D0-1234-1234-81B1-87DDA49D1234
clientSecret: C86A1234-1234-4EDA-8FD3-17FAF7451234
The Content-Type is always application/json.
The Client ID is the appId.
Use the GetAppSecret function to get additional Client ID and Client Secret  credentials for a newly created Application.