Make sure all users are logged off.
Stop all services. To stop a service, go to Start > Control Panel > Services > Administrative Tools or press Windows key + r and run services.msc
Select the service and click Stop Service.
Create a backup of the current installations, (for example: ..\Backup).
The main folder to backup for Planon ProCenter is:
If the upgrade fails, you can use this backup to fix the issues in your database. If the installation needs to be reverted, you can copy this backup to your installation location.
The Installer tool's automatic reversal does not work properly. Hence, it cannot be relied on, you will end up with an invalid installation if it fails.
When updating the software, you must upgrade all Planon software components together. If you only update a selection, you will end up with an application that is not working properly.
If you have Planon Software Suite distributed over multiple servers, update all (you will have to run the installer multiple times, for each separate server once).