New install
Execute the following command using the parameters you can retrieve with the Help function:
Planon_SuiteInstaller_*.exe -q -Dinstall4j.alternativeLogfile=[alternative directory]\installation.log -Dinstall4j.logTimestamps=true -console -dir [installation directory] componentIds=[component1,component2,etc] [other parameters]
For example install the Planon server business logic at C:\Planon:
Planon_SuiteInstaller_*.exe -q -console -dir c:\Planon ^
componentIds=789 ^
databaseType=mssql ^
dbhostname=DBServer ^
dbinstancename=InstanceName ^
dbusername=DBUserName ^
dbpassword=Plan$QL ^
licensefile=C:\Planon\license.lic ^
portSet=1 ^
startAppServer=true ^
appserverManagementUsername=cli ^
You can copy this example to a batch file, including the ^ signs. Make sure to remove extra white spaces introduced by copying at the end or the beginning of the lines. Also do not add extra white spaces in the <variable>=<value> expressions.
Parameter handling:
If you miss parameters which are needed you will get an error.
If you miss parameters that have a default they will fall back on the default. See Help for the parameters that have a default.
If you enter too many parameters they will be ignored.