GPS field type support
To support fields of the type SDO_GEOMETRY, Oracle locator should be installed on the Oracle server.
For a description on how to verify whether Oracle Locator (and only Oracle locater, not Spatial) is installed, refer to the Oracle Support documentation (Doc ID 357943.1).
Known issue in Oracle with GPS fields
During data pump imports of databases containing GPS data in columns with type SDO_GEOMETRY, the following error may occur:
"ORA-39779: type "MDSYS"."SDO_GEOMETRY" not found or conversion to latest version is not possible"
1. Log on as sysdba and run $ORACLE_HOME/md/admin/sdoupggeom.sql on the destination database also to increase the size of the Ordinate Array definition.
2. Then perform the import again.
For more information, see the Oracle Support documentation (Doc ID 1584858.1).