Application management : Configuration : External BO links : Field descriptions : Externally managed BO Configurations
Externally managed BO Configurations
For synchronization of the data that is exchanged with the given external system several BOs might require additional configuration. There are three purposes to create externally managed BO definitions:
Consuming BOs (consume data from the external system)
Providing BOs (provide data to the external system)
Picklist or referred BOs that are required to create a mapping while consuming or providing
Specify a code to identify the externally managed boexternal system. This is an alphanumeric field.
External code
The unique ID that identifies business object types in both the current system and the external system.
The combination of the external system and the external code is unique.
External system
A reference to the external system for which the data is mapped.
BO Definition
A reference to the linked business object definition. This identifies the business object definition in the current instance. Any business object definition is allowed.
Owner owns all instances
A Yes/No field that specifies if there is a single owner for all instances. By default it is set to Yes.
If Yes, it means this external system should create, update and delete all instances of this business object in Planon. Users can no longer create their own instances.
Owned by external system
A Yes/No field that specifies if the BO is owned or not by external system.
If the business object is owned by the external system, by default this business object will be read-only, unless the owner allows updates.
Owner allows updates
A Yes/No field that specifies if the BO owner allows for updates.
Prevent deletion if externally linked
A Yes/No field that will allow or prevent the deletion if an external link is existing.