Event connector
Event connector is a gateway between third-party applications and Planon.
It is designed to process messages that are sent by another application and which need to be processed in the Planon application, and vice versa. Consequently, there is an inbound stream and an outbound stream.
A message can be anything in any format. Consequently, the Planon application needs to be instructed on how to specifically handle messages.
Typically, inbound messages need to be received, transformed and processed. Accordingly, Event connector consists of the following three TSIs (and business objects):
• Inbound raw messages
• Inbound messages
• Business events
Event connector can generically be applied to process all kinds of messages (data), that can subsequently be processed by the Planon application.
Whenever specific message is received, it will be queued for transformation.
Once transformed into an outbound message, it will be queued again for transmission. The result will be an outbound raw message.
Accordingly, Event connector consists of the following two TSIs (and business objects):
• Outbound messages
• Outbound raw messages
The outbound raw message will subsequently be sent to the target, which can be anything, such as: another application, email, log, REST API, another Planon endpoint...