Application management : Tools : Enterprise Talk : Working with Enterprise Talk : Features : Uniquely identifying a business object
Uniquely identifying a business object
In order to update an already existing business object in Planon, Enterprise Talk must be able to uniquely identify it. This can be done by using the Part of search key field.
In Enterprise Talk, often the Code field is a unique field. When setting the Part of search key field to Yes for the Code field definition, an existing business object will be updated with the data from the import file when the code field from the business object matches the code value in the import file.
Sometimes, however, the Code or any other field does not uniquely identify a business object. This is for example the case for BaseBudget and BOBaseBudgetCategory.
The following example shows how to configure Enterprise Talk when using more than one field to uniquely identify a business object (using BaseBuget as an example):
1. On the Business object definitions level set the If record occurs once to 1, Create/update for the business object to update.
2. Determine which fields uniquely identity a business object.
Let’s state that for BaseBudget the combination of Budget category, Financial year, Code and Description make the business object unique.
3. Go to Business object definitions > Definition details. If not available, add the field definitions for these fields:
Budget category
Financial year
4. In the field definitions of these fields, set the Part of search key field to Yes.
The updating will only be done if the If record occurs once field on the Business object definitions level is set to 1, Create/update.
If a field is marked as search key and a business object is found, this field will not be updated.
Consequently, read-only or system fields can be used as search key.