To provide information to the user on the status of the import or export.
On the Business object definitions step, select one, none, or all definitions and click the Document log step to view all respective log messages.
If, on Documents level, you select the Log successful imports field, the Document logs step will contain an import summary only. On theDefinition details level, no further data will be shown.
Logging is done for:
: listing all errors encountered during the import.
: listing all warnings encountered during the import.
Information: providing a summary of the import
For more information on the fields for logging, see Log / Log details fields
Download logs
You can also download the logs as a PDF.
1. Go to Business object definitions > Import document logs and select the logs that you want to view and click Download logs.
These logs will be combined in a single PDF, which you can download from or view in your browser.
The Download logs action only properly works for CSV and Excel imports and not so much for XML.
Additional debug logging
If you have access to your own test environment, you can add additional debug logging parameters that will log additional run information in your application server log. In the application server service configuration file, add the following line:
If you sometime need more detailed info (log each filled field), then also add the following line:
This additional logging will be logged after restarting the application server.