Adding an action definition
1. Go to Action definition.
2. Click Add on the action panel.
a. Click the Select a value button in Alert condition, the Alert condition dialog box appears.
b. Click Add. Select the ImportexportDefinition business object from the list field. Enter a code for the alert condition. Specify a filter on the Code field to select the correct definition. Fill out any other details and click OK.
You return to the action definition layout.
3. Select an action from the list in the Action field. Select Run (BOMExecute).
4. Click OK.
5. Select a schedule for the action definition to be run. You can select Minutes/Hourly/Daily/Weekly/Monthly or from the Calendar.
6. Select the start/date time to indicate when the action definition should start.
If, for example, you have a daily data interface with an external system, choose your start time at a time when there are few people active in the Planon system so as not to affect their performance.
7. Fill out any other details for the action definition.
8. Click Save.
9. Finally, to make the action definition available, click Active on the action panel.
You have completed configuring a scheduling job for your import/export definition. The job will run automatically according to the schedule configured for the definition.