Inbound marking
Identifying business objects during import.
A mechanism for marking business objects that have been imported earlier, but that are no longer available in the new import. In these business objects you can set a field to a specified value.
When importing business objects, the Marking current state is used to see which business objects should be marked.
When Enterprise Talk starts an import for a specific business object and marking is switched on, the Marking current state is set to 1 for all business objects having value 2.
When a business object is imported (inserted or updated), the value of the field Marking current state is set to 2.
When all business objects have been imported, Enterprise Talk will look for business objects that still have value 1. These are the business object that were no longer in the import. Enterprise Talk will put the value specified in Mark value in the field Mark field and the Marking current state is set to 2 again.