Application management : Tools : Enterprise Talk : Examples - import : Importing communication logs
Importing communication logs
Communication log data is stored in two business objects and, in addition, it is related to a specific type of business object.
It is possible to import communication logs using these two business objects and the referenced business object. Therefore, in the import document, three business object definitions need to be created:
For the UsrWerkorderAlgemeen business object, add the Description and OrderNumber fields.
For the CommunicationLog business object, add the Code, BeginDate and Comment fields.
For the ComLogBaseOrder business object, add a field as super referencing the UsrWerkorderAlgemeen, and add a field as sub referencing the CommunicationLog business object.
For communication logs, uploading secure documents is not yet supported.
Import XML samples
Order linked to communication log
An order with number 140.00 should exist in Planon.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<Description>standard workorder 2</Description>
<CommentString>Communication log imported</CommentString>
Communication log linked to order
An order with number 629.00 should exist in Planon.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<Comment>Some text to import</Comment>