Field as super/sub
When exporting business objects you can determine the hierarchical structure in the XML output by specifying the Field as super or Field as sub.
When importing hierarchical business objects, you must define the structure correctly in the Field as super or Field as sub definition.
This example outlines how to export a person and the property to which this person is assigned.
If the exported XML should look as follows:
<Name>Columbus Square</Name>
Then in Enterprise Talk go to the business object that contains the reference field: BO Person.
Define the PropertyRef field as a Sub, because in the XML hierarchy, the property is at a lower level than the person (property is nested inside BO Person).
If the exported XML should look as follows:
<Name>Columbus Square</Name>
Then in Enterprise Talk go to the business object that contains the reference field: BO Person.
Define the PropertyRef field as a Super, because in the XML hierarchy, the property is at a higher level than the person (person is nested inside BO Property).
The same principle applies to importing a business object.