Application management : Tools : Enterprise Talk : Working with Enterprise Talk : Features : Running an Enterprise Talk definition
Running an Enterprise Talk definition
Click Run to run the Enterprise Talk definition manually. The process will be initiated as a background action. The progress of the Enterprise Talk definition process can been seen in the Background action progress bar in the Background actions TSI (or click Refresh in the elements panel). For more information about background actions, see Supporting data .
When you run an Enterprise Talk definition on multiple documents, note that the failure of a single document will stop the execution of the rest of the documents.
Canceling a process
After clicking Run, the import- or export is in progress, it's status will be Running. If it is taking too long or you have made a mistake, you can abort the process by clicking Request to stop on the action panel.
This status transition will become available once the Run button is clicked.
The process will be aborted and the status of the definition will change to Stopped.
•    If not configured, you may need to add the status transition to the layout.
•    This action should only be used for long-running definitions for which it takes longer to update progress.
   When clicking Request to stop while the progress is being updated - an error will occur. To overcome this issue, you can increase the fetch size (on Documents level) and change it from 1000 to 2000 so that it takes longer to report progress updates and this process does not interfere with the Request to stop.