Application management : Tools : Enterprise Talk : Examples - import : Importing assets and asset locations
Importing assets and asset locations
Assets can be linked to one or multiple locations. If the asset is of type 'simple' and you are only importing properties and spaces and no other fields from location assignment, you can define the space and property on the asset itself and do not need to specify location assignments.
For multiple assets, or if you want to use other fields from the location assignment, proceed as follows:
1. Create two business object definitions: one on BO Assets and one on BO Asset locations.
2. Select the Asset locations business object definition and go to Definition details level. Link the asset reference field (as super) to the Asset BO and add the Property field.
3. Return to the Business object definitions level and select the Assets business object definition. Make sure this definition contains the asset Code, Name and Item Group fields.
4. Import the XML.
Import XML sample
<Name>Pool car - Citroen</Name>
The asset and asset location will be updated.