Application management : Tools : Enterprise Talk : Field descriptions : Export Business object definition fields
Export Business object definition fields
Business Object*
Select the business object from which you want to export data to a data source.
The data source is specified at the Import-export documents level.
Select the document to which the selected business object belongs.
Main business object (Y/N)*
Indicate whether the selected business object is the main business object. The main business object is the starting point for the export.
A main business object will always be exported. A business object not marked as main will only be exported if it is included in the export definition of another business object.
XML node name*
Specify the name to be used as XML tag. For valid XML, the tag name must comply with the rules for XML element names:
Names can contain 0-9,a-z,A-Z,_
numbers, lowercase letters, CAPITAL letters, and an underscore (_).
Names cannot start with a number or punctuation character.
Names must start with a letter.
Names cannot start with the letters xml (or XML, or Xml, and so on).
Names must not contain spaces.
For more information on XML element names, see:
Specify the filter conditions to be applied to the export.
The filter only applies to main business object. If no filter is specified, all data will be exported.
If there are multiple main business object definitions available in the list, indicate the sequence order in which the business object definitions should be processed. This field applies to export only; for import, the order in the XML file is leading.
Mark records on an external table
If this field is set to Yes, records are created in the separate export mark list step (sublevel of Talk export BO) and an extra marker worker is added (MarkExportWorker). The worker is removed when marking is switched off.
This mark worker (nl.planon.morpheus.pnworkers.server.planonreaderworker.MarkExportWorker) should be the last worker and should not be removed. The worker is only for exporting.
Export policy
Allows you to determine if you want to export all business objects or export only the non-marked instances that match the filter criteria.
Skip if marked as export: select this option to export only the non-marked BOs. This prevents the export of the previously exported records and saves a lot of export time.
Always: select this option to export all records matching the filter criteria.
Export Policy is independent of the setting on the Marking of records for export.
Mark record for export
Allows you to mark the records for export. (A Free field is used for marking.) Select Yes, to mark the record for export. If you select No, the record will not be marked.
Mark field
Allows you to select a Free field to mark the record with text value during the export. For example, Free string 14.
The Free fields become available, only when the In use field is marked Yes and the Field type as Mark in Field definer .
For more information, refer to Field definer .
Mark date - time
Allows you to select a Free field to mark the record with date-time value during the export.
If In use is marked No, an error message is displayed. For more information, refer to the import/server log to know which field is not imported.
Mark value
Enter the value that should be inserted into the Free field for marking the exported record. That is, the Free field selected in Mark field will be marked with the value specified in this field.
For example, if you specify the value as Mark records for SAP, the Free string 14 (selected in Mark field) will acquire the value as Mark records for SAP after the export.