CSVReaderWorker parameters
The main element name that will be used in the XML generated by the CSVReaderWorker. If this value is not specified, the value will be taken from the Node name of the BO definition if there is only one, or by default it is element.
Specify Yes or No if the CSV to import contains a header row with the names of the column in it. By default, the value is set to Yes if this attribute is not specified.
The name given to the XML element tags of the columns if no header is available. If a header is available, it specifies the order or a subset of columns that must be imported. If not specified and the CSV has a header row, the order from the header is used and all columns are imported. If not specified and the header is absent, the default column names are column-1, column-2, etc.
The valid values for the delimiter are:
; or semi-colon or semicolon or semi
tab or \\t
space or \\s
, or comma
any literal symbol
Semi-colon is the default value of the delimiter.
Valid values for a text qualifier are:
' or apos or apostrophe
" or quote or quot
any literal symbol
Set the value to No. This indicates that the leading and trailing whitespace around the CSV data should not be trimmed.
If not specified, utf-8 is used if the file encoding is detected automatically. Otherwise, the file encoding specified is used.