Application management : Tools : Enterprise Talk : Field descriptions : Import Business object definition fields
Import Business object definition fields
Business object*
Select the business object into which you want to import data from the data source.
The data source is specified at the Documents level.
In some business objects, its code does not uniquely identify the business object. The BO can be identified only when the code is in combination with another field.
For example, for Space BO, the combination of Code and Property makes the space unique for that Property. This is because the space with the same code can be present in a different property.
Hence, for both Code and Property the Part of search key option in the Definition Details level should be marked Yes.
Similarly, while importing an Asset, two business objects, Asset and Location Assignment have to be configured.
The Location assignment BO should specify the Asset BO as a ‘SUPER’ in the configuration.
Select the document to which the selected business object belongs.
If record occurs once*
Indicate how the import must “act” if a record exists once. This field only applies to importing business objects.
Updates the record.
Skips this record without modifying it.
Stops the import.
If record exists twice or more*
Indicate how the import must “act” if a record exists twice or more. This field must have a value when you want to import data from an XML file.
Updates all records.
Skips this record without modifying it.
Stops the import.
If no records exists
Indicate how the import must “act” if a record does not exist. This field must have a value when you want to import data from an XML file.
Creates the record.
Skips this record without modifying it.
Stops the import.
Marking current state
You can select a regular or a Free field to mark the current state of import. This field indicates the records that were not imported this time from the last imported set.
The Free field should be of type Mark for it to be available for the import.
Import/export marked
Allows you to mark imported records in Planon ProCenter so that you can easily know which records were not imported during the current run.
Select Yes, to mark the records during import.
Mark field
Allows you to select a Free field to mark the record during the import. For example, Free string 8.
Marking of records is not supported when used with Database import-export worker.
The Free fields become available, only when the In use field is marked Yes in Field definer .
Note that the field type (of the Free field) should be of type Mark.
For more information, refer to Field definer .
If In use is marked No, an error message is displayed. Refer to the import/server log to know which field is not imported.
Mark value
Enter the value that should be inserted into the Free field for marking the imported record. That is, the Free field selected in Mark field will be marked with the value specified in this field.
For example, if you specify the value as Mark records for SAP, the Free string 8 (selected in Mark field) will acquire the value as Mark records for SAP after the import.
XML node name*
Specify the name to be used as XML tag. For valid XML, the tag name must comply with the rules for XML element names:
Names can contain 0-9,a-z,A-Z,_
(numbers, lowercase letters, CAPITAL letters, and an underscore (_)).
Names cannot start with a number or punctuation character.
Names must start with a letter.
Names cannot start with the letters xml (or XML, or Xml, and so on).
Names must not contain spaces.
For more information on XML element names, see: