Service providers : Customer Budgets : Working with... : Adding modifications to a customer budget
Adding modifications to a customer budget
If you want to adjust a budget amount for an active customer budget, you can add a budget modification. On approval of the budget modification, the amount on the budget will be updated.
Use the following procedure to add a customer budget modification for an active budget:
1. Go to the Budget details > Budget modifications step.
2. On the action panel, click Add.
3. Complete the fields in the data panel.
For information on the available fields, see Budget modification fields .
4. Click Save.
A newly created modification always has the Initial status. It can then be sent for approval where the status changes to Approval requested. After it is verified by the respective personnel and approved, the status changes to either Approved or Rejected. Approval requested and rejected modifications can be reset to the Initial status. Rejected modifications can also be reset to Approval requested.