Service providers : Customer Budgets : Field descriptions : Budget transaction fields
Budget transaction fields
Customer budget transaction fields are solely meant for monitoring any updates on customer budgets (amount and balance related fields). The transaction records are generated automatically and non-editable. Transactions on customer budgets are 'triggered' by status changes, field changes and other events on orders and order related elements such as Order revenues, Customer quotation lines and Revenue estimation lines.
Displays the amount processed by the transaction.
Displays the budget for which the transaction is created.
Budget increase?
This field indicates whether or not the transaction updates (adds / subtracts) corresponding amounts on the budget and/or on any affected budget periods.
Displays the order for which the transaction is created. Good to know: if the transaction covers changes on main order and suborder(s), the main order is referenced here.
Displays the budget period to which the transaction applies and whose amount fields are updated if the budget period is affected by the transaction.
Transaction amount type
Displays what kind of transaction amount is being processed. The following types exist:
Quotation accepted
Quotation completed
The above types will update the corresponding amount fields on the budget (add, subtract or clear amounts): Total actual amount, Total committed amount, Total estimated amount, Total accepted quotation amount and Total completed quotation amount.
Transaction type
Displays what kind of transaction is being processed. The following types exist:
Set period value only
Update budget only
Update budget and period
Update period only
The above types will update the corresponding amount fields on the budget and / or the budget period.