Core TSIs : Contracts : Working with Contracts : Using priority coloring for contracts and contract actions
Using priority coloring for contracts and contract actions
If the Show color based priority setting is applied in Contracts , the contract and contract action descriptions in the elements list are displayed in different colors, indicating their priority. Contracts are colored based on the next notice date offering party/accepting party; contract actions are colored based on the action date. The descriptions are colored in accordance with the settings made in Supporting data and with the Date-time coloring set on the contract / contract action.
For more information on coloring based on priority settings, see Supporting data > Priority coloring.
1. Make sure that the color settings in the Priority coloring TSI in Supporting data are configured.
2. In Contracts go to the Contracts / Contract actions selection step and click the Show color based priority button to enable priority coloring for contracts / contract actions.
3. In the pop-up, specify the number of preceding and subsequent days (with respect to the current date) for which the contracts / contract actions need to be colored.
This setting is set per user: each user can have his specific setting based on his role and responsibilities.