The daily price is calculated based on the number of days in the period, multiplied by the period amount. |
Payment frequency | Yearly | |
Period | 1 January | 15 March |
Amount (period) | 1200 | |
Number of days in a year | 365 | |
Actual number of days in period | 31 + 28 + 15 = | 74 |
Amount (apportionment) | 74 / 365 * 1200 = | 243,28 |
Payment frequency | Quarterly | |
Period | 1 January | 28 February |
Amount (period) | 1200 / 4 = | 300 |
Number of days in period | 31 + 28 + 31 | 90 |
Actual number of days in period | 31 + 28 = | 59 |
Amount (apportionment) | 59 / 90 * 300 = | 196,67 |
If an amount of 200 is expected as quarterly payment (because there are two months * 100), the calculation should be set to Monthly. |
Payment frequency | Monthly | |
Period | 1 January | 15 March |
Amount (period) | 1200 / 12 = | 100 |
Number of full months in period | 2 * 100 | 200 |
Additional number of days | 15 /31 * 100 | 48,39 |
Amount (apportionment) | 248,39 |
Payment frequency | Yearly/Quarterly/Monthly | |
Period | 1 January | 15 March |
Amount (period) | 1200 | |
Number of full months in period | 2 * 100 | 200 |
Number of days in broken month | 15 /31 * 100 | 48,39 |
Amount (apportionment) | 248,39 |
If the (original) period for which the apportionment has to be calculated contains February 29 (Leap year), then this day is taken into account in calculating the day price. For instance, the day price will then be equal to the price per year dived by 366. Note that for a monthly apportionment and a yearly payment frequency, only the month in which the change takes places is recalculated using the day price. All other months still have the ‘normal’ month price. |