Synchronizing life cycle data
Life cycles of all Planon business objects that are life cycle aware (Contracts, Contract lines, Rentable units etc.) are also available in Connect for Analytics.
For each life cycle aware business object, there are two tables:
1) The Now table (e.g. BaseContract). This contains the contract values of ‘today’ (updated daily by a scheduled action). All changes during the day will also be updated in this table, so it is an up-to-date view of the life cycle business object for today. All business objects that refer to this life cycle aware BO, will refer to this table.
2) The Life cycles table (e.g. BaseContractLifecycle). This contains all the life cycles for the contract and contains the life cycle aware fields and a reference to the ‘Now table (BaseContractRef).
For example: for contracts, the BaseContract - contains the Now.
For life cycle BOs, we do not export the IsPivotLifecycle field and the non-life cycle reference field (Syscode_NLFC) because these do not contain meaningful data for a BI user. Note that all the non-lifecycle fields are in the Now table.
There is a scheduled task (to be configured as a daily task) that will update now data of life-cycle-aware business objects with the values of the life cycles of today.
1. Go to System Settings > Scheduled tasks and look for SYSUPDATE_LFC_SNAPSHOT_DATALAK in the list.
2. Make sure the status is set to Active.
The scheduler will synchronize the data with the data lake as specified.