Performing an incremental export only
Whenever there are minor updates in your data configuration, you would want to only export the changes to the data lake rather than having to re-export all.
This could be the case, for example, when:
adds a new field to an existing business object
adds a new business object.
changes a field to in use/not in use
configures a new free field
changes field type
changes userpnname
To perform an incremental export only, proceed as follows.
1. Whenever there is an initial synchronization of a root business object to the data lake, a record is created on the Data lake info step.
For each business object changes that comply with the ones described earlier, will automatically be detected. The status of the business object is then changed to Has updates.
2. For business objects having the status Has updates you can click Update in the action panel.
A dialog box appears listing all business objects that have updates.
3. Click OK to start a new export job for the selected business objects.
Only the business object that appear in the list will be exported. To check this:
The Full export? field on export jobs will be set to No so that you can identify this export as an update only.
There will be a list of business objects to be synchronized in the field Business objects to export (Data lake settings)
If for some reason an export fails without being completed, the export job is marked as Failed.
But, instead of marking ALL BOs in the Data lake info step to Has updates, only those BOs that are in the Updating or Need indexing statuses will be rolled back to Has updates.
Then, instead of doing full export, this allows you to do an update only for all those Data lake info BOs that have the Has updates status.