To perform an analyses at the top level of a hierarchy, proceed as follows.
For this example, we are using Departments.
1. Select the Department table.
2. Add a column (modelling, new column)
3. enter namepath = PATH(Department[Name]; Department[ParentRef_Department.Name])
This will give you a string that represents the whole "hierarchy path " of the field "department name" of this row, based on the relationship parentref.
namepath displayed.namepath displayed.
4. Add a new column for each level you have.
Department (lvl1) = PATHITEM(Department[namepath];1)
Department (lvl2) = PATHITEM(Department[namepath];2) etc.
5. When you are done with this, you can make a hierarchy in your visualisation view by dragging the fields into a hierarchy.
Department level hierarchy.
If you now use this hierarchy as an X axis, you can zoom into lower levels of the hierarchy.