CAD Integrator mapping
If you want to display CAD mapping settings as generic settings for all users, you can customize and authorize (using authorization filters) the space mapping options displayed on the CAD Integrator menu. This will give end users access to relevant and uniform mappings settings, and prevent them from using individual user-defined mapping settings. You can also create new mappings settings and make them available to users. For more information, see Creating a CAD Integrator mapping.
It is possible to authorize the list of mappings in the CAD integrator mapping by using ProCenter filters.
•    If you want to export CAD mapping settings via 'Configuration transfer', you also have to include all the required data-only reports that contain the information to visualize the CAD Integrator.
•    You can authorize CAD mapping settings, but the authorization has to be separate (based on sub business objects) for spaces and workspaces.