Verification overview
In addition to a large number of verifications, the verification rule set autocorrects a number of issues to ensure a smooth import.
Combined, the rule set ensures that:
Polylines do not cross
Drawing location
Filter-text is used (for more simple reproduction)
The Planon version is filled
An entity is inside another entity
Workspaces are inside the space
Workspaces do not overlap other workspaces
Fixed workspaces are surrounded by a space
Fixed and flexible workspace are surrounded by a net space polyline
There are no endless loops
main drawing with an xref referring back to the main drawing
block definition that refers to another block that refers back to the first one
A critical error will be logged and the import process is stopped
The version of AutoCAD used for creating drawings is available and logs that in the CAD drawing verification log
Each gross floor polyline contains a net floor polyline
Dimensions are acceptable (for example: a floor with a width of less than 2 or more than 4500 meters is considered as a mistake)
Verify the connection with the CAD Workbench server. If a connection cannot be established, a pop-up message is displayed and a log entry is created in the verification log
Elevation is auto corrected to 0 for xref layers such as spaces, workspaces
There are no missing, duplicate, or orphaned data entities. If so, a log entry will be created
Verify whether multiple drawings contain layers whose names match one of the wildcard layer names present in the filter. If so, a log entry [AMBIGUOUS WILDCARD LAYER USAGE] will be created.