Building Circularity Index : Building Circularity Index : Reporting : Generating the Building Circularity Index report
Generating the Building Circularity Index report
1. Go to Scenarios.
2. Select the scenario for which you want to generate the report.
A report can only be generated for a scenario in the Report status.
3. On the action panel, click Report.
The Reporting window opens.
4. Click the System reports tab.
5. Select the Building Circularity Index report.
6. Go to the report settings.
You can either view the entire system report or select specific topics from the pick list available in the BCI report part field for a more focused presentation of relevant information within each category:
Total report - shows all sections of the report
BCI calculations - shows the section with BCI calculations
CSC calculations - shows the section with CSC calculations
Environmental performance building - shows the section with EPB calculations
New normal - shows the section that compares the outcome of the scenario with a standard, a general standard or the standard set by the customer.
7. Select relevant output options for your report:
Preview & print: enables you to preview and print a version of your report.
Save as: enables you to select an export format. You can choose between the PDF, HTML, CSV formats and three different XLS formats.
For more information about reporting in general, see Report Manager.