Building scenarios - fields
Adaptive capacity
Displays the building object's adaptive capacity.
Agreements on handling residual material
Displays the building object's agreements on handling residual material
Attribute definition set
Variable field so that different standards can have their own specialized fields. Can be defined on the calculation method.
Read-only field, calculated by the app.
Bio-based materials?
Specify if bio-based materials are present in the building object of this scenario or not.
Bio-based recovery
Displays the percentage of bio-based recovery that applies to the building object (=process of reusing materials derived from renewable biological sources). Read-only field, calculated by the app.
Building Circularity Index /
Building Circularity Index (BP)*
* BP= Building part
Enter the Building Circularity Index that applies to the building object of this scenario.
Building environmental impact
Enter the building environmental impact that applies to the building object of this scenario.
Building height
Enter the building height that applies to the building object of this scenario:
Building object
Select the appropriate Building object from the list.
Calculation goal
Select the appropriate calculation goal from the list:
Material passport
Calculation method
Select the appropriate Calculation method from the list.
Calculation type
Select the appropriate calculation type from the list:
Low circular scenario
Average circular scenario
High circular scenario
Enter a code for the scenario.
If relevant, enter comments to the building scenario.
Specify the percentage of compostability of the building object in this scenario.
Construction-stored carbon (kg) / (tons)
Specify the amount (in kg / in tons) of carbon dioxide (CO2) that is present in the building object of this scenario.
Construction type
Indicate the construction type of the building object:
Select the customer to which this scenario applies.
Date of delivery
Enter the date of delivery.
Development phase
Select the appropriate development phase from the list:
Definitive design
Sketch design
Technical design
Final design
Preliminary design
Specify if disassembly is involved in this scenario or not.
Disassembly potential /
Disassembly potential (BP)*
* BP= Building part
Specify the Disassembly potential of the building object in this scenario.
Energy usage
Indicate the energy usage that applies to the building object of this scenario:
Nearly Energy Neutral Buildings
Energy Neutral Buildings
Environmental Cost Index
Specify the Environmental Cost Index of the building object in this scenario.
Gross floor surface
Enter the gross floor surface of the building object in this scenario.
Gross usable surface
Enter the gross usable surface of the building object in this scenario.
GWP module A-D
Read-only field, calculated by the app.
GWP module A-D per m2 GFA
Read-only field, calculated by the app.
High quality recycling
Specify the percentage of high quality recycling of the building object in this scenario.
Specify the percentage of incineration of the building object in this scenario.
Specify the percentage of landfill of the building object in this scenario.
Last calculation date
Automatically populated by Planon. Displays the date of the last calculation.
Enter the lifespan in years of the building object in this scenario.
Low environmental impact?
Specify if the building object of this scenario has a low environmental impact or not.
Mass kg
Enter the mass in kilograms of the building object in this scenario.
Material circularity index /
Material circularity index (BP)*
* BP= Building part
Specify the Material circularity index of the building object in this scenario.
Method version
Displays the version of the calculation method. The value in this field is copied from the calculation method.
Enter a name for the scenario.
New materials
Enter the amount of new materials in the building object of this scenario.
Number of calculated products
Automatically calculated and populated by Planon. Displays the number of calculated products in the scenario.
Object function
Select the appropriate object function from the list. The function of a building refers to its purpose or intended use. For example, Office, Shop, Warehouse.
Paris proof indicator
Enter the Paris Proof indicator of the building object in this scenario.
Ready for verification?
Specify if the scenario can be verified or not. By default, this field is set to No.
Recycled materials?
Specify if recycled materials are involved in this scenario or not.
Specify if reusable materials are involved in this scenario or not.
Reused materials?
Specify if reused materials are involved in this scenario or not.
Total products in scenario
Automatically calculated and populated by Planon. Displays the total number of products in the scenario.
Displays the building object's toxicity.
Type of project
Indicate the type of project:
New construction
Existing construction
Sustainable renovation
Verification date
Enter the date on which the scenario was verified.
Verified by
Select the person who verified the scenario from the list.
Waste (kg)
Enter the amount of waste in kilograms of the building object in this scenario.