Standard building parts - fields
Accessibility of connections for disassembly
Select the appropriate accessibility of connections from the list.
Indicates if the standard building part is valid. If an existing standard building part is updated, the old one is retained but becomes invalid.
Read-only field, calculated by the app.
Calculation content
Displays the values for the calculation parameters to be used in the calculations.
Calculation method
Select the relevant calculation method.
Carbon content
Displays the amount of carbon present in the standard building part.
Enter a code for the standard building part.
If relevant, enter comments for the standard building part.
Comment on disassembly potential
If relevant, enter comments on changes of the disassembly potential.
Read-only field, calculated by the app.
Connection type
Select the appropriate Connection type from the list.
Connection type disassembly
Select the appropriate connection type disassembly from the list.
Construction-stored carbon (kg) / (tons)
Specify the amount (in kg / in tons) of carbon dioxide (CO2) that is present within the standard building part.
Declaration category
Read-only field.
Disassembly potential
Read-only field, calculated by the app.
Element Circularity Index
Read-only field, calculated by the app.
Environmental Cost Index
Read-only field, calculated by the app.
Environmental Cost Index per unit
Read-only field, calculated by the app.
Functional unit
Read-only field. Displays the unit of measurement of the standard building part.
Geometry of product edge disassembly
Select the appropriate Geometry of Product Edge from the list.
Read-only field, calculated by the app.
Independent disassembly
Select the appropriate independent disassembly from the list.
Read-only field, calculated by the app.
Leading standard?
Read-only field. Displays if this is the leading building standard.
Linked standard building parts
Shows the linked standard building parts.
Mass per functional unit
Read-only field.
Material circularity index
Read-only field, calculated by the app.
Enter a name for the standard building part.
New materials
Read-only field, calculated by the app.
Paris proof indicator
Read-only field, calculated by the app.
Indicates if the standard building part is polluted (Yes, No or Unknown). Read-only field.
Product circularity index
Read-only field, calculated by the app.
Product class
Read-only field, displays the corresponding product class.
Product database
Read-only field, displays the linked product database.
Product ID
Read-only field.
Product import date
Read-only field.
Read-only field, displays the quantity of the standard building part.
Read-only field, calculated by the app.
Read-only field, calculated by the app.
Related standard building parts
The leading standard.
Read-only field, calculated by the app.
Read-only field, calculated by the app.
Read-only field, displays the R-value of the standard building part.
Scalable dimension 1 / 2
Read-only field, calculated by the app.
Scalable dimension 1 / 2 label
Read-only field, calculated by the app.
Scalable dimension 1 / 2 - unit of measurement
Read-only field, calculated by the app.
Read-only field, calculated by the app.
Scarce material
Read-only field, calculated by the app.
Leading standard?
Read-only field. Indicates if the standard is a leading standard. This standard is used for BCI calculations.
Standard dimension 1 / 2 / 3
Read-only field, calculated by the app.
Standard dimension 1 / 2 / 3 label
Read-only field, calculated by the app.
Standard dimension 1 / 2 / 3 - unit of measurement
Read-only field, calculated by the app.
Start date / End date
Read-only field. Displays the start date / end date of material validity, calculated by the app.
Technical lifespan
Read-only field. Displays the Technical lifespan in years.
Read-only field. Indicates if the standard building part is toxic (Yes, No or Unknown). Read-only field.
Uncertainty margin
Enter the uncertainty margin (this value is based on the declaration category).
Read-only field. Displays the U-value.