Core TSIs : Budgets : Working with Budgets : Setting the active financial year
Setting the active financial year
Budgets and budget categories for the active budget year are shown in the Budgets TSI. The default value for the active financial year is the year of the current system date, provided that the current year has been defined as a financial year. Financial years can be added and maintained in Supporting data .
For more information on maintaining financial years, see Financial years.
1. Go to Budget categories.
2. Click the Financial year button in the toolbar. The Select the active financial year window opens. Here you can select the required financial year.
It is also possible to have the budget categories and budgets displayed of all financial years. For example, if you want to generate reports over several financial years. To view the budget categories and budgets of all financial years, you can disable the filter on financial year by clicking the Financial year active toggle button.