Core TSIs : Budgets : Working with Budgets : Generating maintenance budgets
Generating maintenance budgets
The Generate maintenance budgets option allows you to create maintenance budgets (OpEx type) for the maintenance activities of a specific property (related to property budget category), for a specific financial year.
Before you generate maintenance budgets in Budgets TSI, you must first check the following in Maintenance > Planner:
Ensure the maintenance plan to which maintenance activities belong is definitive and in the Active status.
Specify a budget definition for the activity definition to which the maintenance activities belong.
The activity definition must be in either the Balanced or Unbalanced status.
For more information on using Planned Maintenance, see Planned Maintenance.
1. Go to Budget categories.
2. On the Budget categories action panel, click Generate maintenance budgets.
The Generate maintenance budgets window appears.
3. Select a Financial year from the list.
4. Select one or more properties for which you want to generate maintenance budgets.
5. Click OK.
Maintenance budgets are now generated for the specified properties and financial year. The generated budgets are shown at the Budgets selection level.
Whenever you modify a maintenance activity definition, you must regenerate the budgets.
The budget value is automatically calculated by Planon ProCenter using the following formula:
Expected costs as specified in the maintenance activity definition * Number of times the maintenance activity occurs
If required, you can manually adjust the budget in the Budget field.