Core TSIs : Budgets : Working with Budgets : Adopting budget categories with their budgets
Adopting budget categories with their budgets
Planon ProCenter enables you to adopt budget categories with the budgets belonging to them to a new financial year. The budget amounts specified can be adopted and increased by a certain percentage.
Once-only budget categories and their budgets are never adopted whereas recurring budget categories are. A recurring budget category (property-related) may include both once-only and recurring budgets (OpEx type). Only recurring OpEx budgets are adopted.
1. Go to the Budget categories selection level.
2. If you want to adopt budget categories and budgets from one specific financial year, set this year as the active financial year. The elements list will then only display the budget categories of the active financial year. For more information on how to set the active financial year, see Setting the active financial year.
If you want to adopt budget categories and budgets from various financial years at the same time, make sure all financial years are displayed. For more information on how to do this, see Setting the active financial year.
3. Select the budget category (-ies) you want to adopt.
4. From the action panel, select Adopt recurring budgets.
The Adopt recurring budgets dialog box is displayed.
5. In the To financial year field enter the financial year to which you want to adopt the selected budget categories and their budgets.
6. Click the Including amounts option button if you want to adopt the budget categories and budget amounts. You can add a percentage with which the original budget amounts are to be increased.
If the budget category is based on budget calculation method 1 (Budget % of budget category), the percentage will be applied to the budget (amount) of the budget category. In case the budget category is based on calculation method 2 (Budget category budget total), the percentage will be applied to each individual budget.
7. If budget categories are linked to one or more properties, you can select the Including linked properties check box if you want to adopt these links too.
8. Click OK to confirm the settings made in this dialog box.
Planon ProCenter will now create budget categories and budgets for the specified financial year.