BIM business objects fields
General Fields
BIM source definition
Displays the name and code of the selected BIM source definition.
BIM XML node
Select the BIM XML node that must be used for mapping your business objects.

•    For Properties you must select the highest node: Facility.
•    For Assets and Building elements you must select the AssetTypes node. This is the highest node of that name in the tree structure.
•    For Floors and Spaces, simply select the highest node of that name available in the tree structure: Floors and Spaces respectively.
User-defined type
If you use user-defined business objects, select the relevant user-defined type.
Enter a name for the BIM business object.
Space related
Generate space code per floor
Enter a macro to generate a code to a space of a floor. A macro can be used in combination with field mapping to generate a space code. For example, field mapping is created for a space to retrieve the space code from a layer in a drawing. If no space code exists for a space, the code is generated using the macro specified in the field.
This field accepts the following macros:
? Indicates the floor code. The number of question marks represents the number of displayed digits in a floor code.
# Represents the space code. The number of hashes represent the number of digits in which the space code should be displayed.
- and _ can be used to separate the floor and space codes for clarity, but are not mandatory to use.
, is used as a separator and cannot be used in a macro.
?-## matches with the codes of the first floor as
1-01, 1-02, 1-03 and so on.
?## matches with the codes of the first floor as
101,102 and so on.
F??_S### matches with codes of the first floor as F01_S001, F01_S002 and so on.
Asset related
Asset type node
Select the node in the BIM XML element structure that must be used to distinguish different types of assets. Multiple Assets business objects can be added to one source definition. This makes it possible to distinguish between assets and apply different default values and mappings to different assets. The 'filtering' is applied based on this node.
Within a single BIM source definition, you must make sure that you use the same import / export parameters for assets in Asset type node, to prevent the corruption of your data.
Asset type value
Enter a value that must be applied to make the distinction between the various types of assets, in order to check which field mapping should be applied.
Building element related
Asset type node
Select the node in the BIM XML element structure that must be used to distinguish different types of building elements. Multiple Building elements business objects can be added to one source definition. This makes it possible to distinguish between building elements and apply different default values and mappings to different building elements. The 'filtering' is applied based on this node.
Within a single BIM source definition, you must make sure that you use the same import / export parameters for building elements in Asset type node, to prevent the corruption of your data
Asset type value
Enter a value that must be applied to make the distinction between the various types of building elements, in order to check which field mapping should be applied.