Planon IoT : Axonize (stand-alone) : Getting Started – IoT Platform API
Getting Started – IoT Platform API
The IoT Platform REST API is a RESTful API that implements the OData Protocol in which all calls use HTTPS. The Open Data Protocol (OData) is an open protocol that standardizes and simplifies the creation and consumption of queryable and interoperable RESTful APIs.
The IoT Platform REST API is intended for developers who want to access IoT Platform functionality directly from their backend and/or who want to create their own frontend that provides IoT Platform functionality.
Before checking out the description of each IoT Platform REST API request, please read the following:
API Reference List
API Environment
Which Application(s) Can a User Access?
Accessing API Details
API Response Error/Status Codes
Common Response Properties
The REST API is continually being enhanced and developed. Therefore, there may be new fields/data returned in JSON results. Generally, field/data structures are not changed,but rather new data is added to current results.