Planon IoT : Axonize (stand-alone) : Creating an Application – Developer Workflow : Activating the IoT Platform Device SDK : IoT Platform Device SDK ‒ Sending Events to IoT Platform Server
IoT Platform Device SDK ‒ Sending Events to IoT Platform Server
In order to send the correct event, you must update the payload in app.js in the IoT Platform Device SDK and use the sendEventToHub endpoint. See sendEventToHub for more details.
Fill in the following mandatory properties of the payload:
type: The event type. See Defining a Device Event Manifest. IoT Platform provides a list of the event types for your selection, such as temperature, humidity, acceleration, pressure and so on.
name: The event name to be shown in the IoT Platform Portal.
value: The value of the reading on the Device to be shown in the IoT Platform Portal.
The following shows an example of how a new incoming event appears in the IoT Platform Dashboard.
The left side of this window shows a list of Devices. When you click a Device in this list, the right side of this window shows the most recent readings received by IoT Platform from the Device. The Dashboards only show the most recent readings by overwriting previously received readings.