Function profile
A function profile is used to define a certain role that a user group can have, for example security officer, and specify the rights for functionality. Function profiles always refer to functionality and not to data!
Function profiles are reusable: the same function profile can be used at different locations, for example in different regions. The rights for functionality are the same, but the rights for data can vary per location (region).
For example: the security function profile can be used for the security officers of property north and those of property south. On a functional level, the rights are the same, but the rights for data differ (region north and south).
For each business object you can specify which fields, actions and status transitions should be accessible. In Planon Software Suite, three authorization levels can be distinguished:
No access to business object;
Read-only access to business object;
Business object can be modified.
Access to a business object is read-only by default. Fields can be made modifiable individually.