Defining a matrix scoring method
If you add a topic, you must select a scoring method. Therefore, you must define relevant scoring methods for each topic first.
This task is about defining a matrix scoring method to assess the risks for an observation.
| You can, of course, reuse a matrix for other topics. In that case, you only have to define the topic ranges for a specific topic, per topic level. The topic levels are only displayed if a topic range has been defined for them. |
1. Go to the Topics TSI.
2. Go to Topic scoring > Topic matrixes.
3. On the action panel, click Add.
4. On the data panel, fill in a Code and Description for the matrix.
5. Click Save.
6. Go to Details > Severity.
7. On the action panel, click Add.
The Matrix field is filled with the matrix you added.
8. On the data panel, fill in a Code, Description, Translated names and Score for the severity record.
Example: code = 1, description = Slightly harmful, score = 1.
9. Click Save.
10. Add more severity records as required.
code = 2, description = Harmful, score = 2
code = 3, description = Very harmful, score = 3
11. Go to the Likelihood selection step.
12. On the action panel, click Add.
The Matrix field is filled with the matrix you added.
13. On the data panel, fill in a Code, Description, Translated names and Score for the likelihood record and add a Comment as required.
Example: code = 1, description = Highly unlikely, score = 1.
14. Add more likelihood records as required.
code = 2, description = Unlikely, score = 2
code = 3, description = Likely, score = 3
15. Click Save.
The matrix is ready to be used for topic scoring on an observation.
16. Go to Topics and select Scoring method: Matrix scoring.
The Matrix field appears.
17. In the Matrix field, select the appropriate matrix.
| You can, of course, reuse this matrix for other topics. |
Example of the risk calculation of a topic level, based on a matrix:
Formula:severity score * likelihood score = score
This score is searched in the topic range to determine the topic level:
Severity = Very harmful (score 3)
Likelihood = Likely (score 3)
Score = 3 * 3 = 9.
9 in the range => High risk.