Core TSIs : Assessments & Observations : Working with... : Finalizing follow-up actions
Finalizing follow-up actions
After you have added and implemented the action specifications related to a follow-up action, and completed the follow-up action itself, you finalize the follow-up action. The field Finalized? is automatically set to Yes in Planon ProCenter .
If configured, a business event is sent to the decision model. The Finalized? field can be used as an Attribute in the decision rules. For example: a decision rule on Expected costs > 5000 and Finalized=T.
1. Go to the Assessments TSI > Details level > Follow-up actions step.
2. Select the follow-up action you want to finalize.
3. On the action panel click Finalize.
The field Finalized? is automatically set to Yes and if configured a business event is sent to the decision model.