Core TSIs : Assessments & Observations : Working with... : Configuring a topic score calculator
Configuring a topic score calculator
Planon provides an option to implement a custom Topic score calculator that will automatically calculate a score. The system will create the Scoring record and fill in the Score field on that record for a single observation or answer line (in a questionnaire).
The solution consists of an API that you can use to develop your own specific topic score calculator(s) via Platform apps > App builder TSI, by implementing the interface ITopicScoreCalculator in a custom calculator app. See Apps Development for general information on building apps on the Planon platform.
The Scoring method defines which fields will be available for the calculator.
Useful facts:
It is possible to use free fields for all types of scoring methods, to calculate a score.
Based on the Matrix scoring method, Planon provides a 'system calculator', which can calculate a topic score based on severity and likelihood, but you can also implement a custom matrix-based calculator.
For the Technical condition scoring method, you can chose to implement a calculator that add a score based on the severity, intensity and extent percentage.
For the configuration of a custom topic score calculator in Planon ProCenter, follow these steps.
Precondition: relevant topics, topic levels and topic ranges are already configured.
1. Go to the Topic scoring > Topic score calculator step.
2. On the action panel, click Add to add a topic score calculator.
3. On the data panel fill in the relevant fields. Refer to Topic score calculator fields for more information.
4. Click Save.
5. Navigate to the Topics selection level and link the topic calculator to the relevant topic(s) , via the Topic score calculator reference field.
6. Click Save.
Every time a Scoring record is added or changed, the calculator will calculate the topic score value and update the Score field.