Adding follow-up actions
For many observations that are made, it is likely that one or more follow-up actions are required to solve a problem, or to seize an opportunity. You can register these follow-up actions in the Assessments TSI.
You can manually add various types of Follow-up actions.
Order follow-up actions: to create an order to solve a problem immediately;
Hazard follow-up actions: to register a hazard in the Hazard registry to inform field engineers;
General follow-up action: for example to write a procedure/guideline in a document or on a web page (manual action, not related to a Planon record).
Follow-up actions can also be generated by a business event on an observation. See Configuring business events for observations for more information.
1. Go to the Assessments and observations TSI.
2. Drill down to Results > Observations and select the observation to which you want to add a follow-up action.
3. Go to Details > Follow-up actions.
4. On the action panel either click Add General follow-up actions, Add Order follow-up actions Add Activity follow-up actions or Add Hazard follow-up actions.
5. On the data panel fill in the relevant fields.
See Follow-up action fields for more information on these fields.
6. Click Save.
The follow-up action is added with status Reported.
7. On the action panel, click Link observations to link the follow-up action to one or more observations.
When navigating from Results > Observations to Details > Follow-up actions, the element list will display all follow-up actions that are linked to the selected observation.
8. If you added a specific type of follow-up action, and you want to create an order or a hazard, either click Create order or Register hazard on the action panel.
If you initially created a General follow-up action, but want to create an order for it, you can convert it to a specific type: either to Follow-up actions - hazards or to Follow-up actions - orders. To change the type of the general follow-up action, you can use the Change to […] actions on the action panel. Please note that these conversions are irreversible! After the conversion, the corresponding Create […] action becomes available on the action panel.
As the linked order or hazard is progressing, the status of the follow-up action will be updated automatically to In progress, Completed or Canceled. When the related order is set to Technically completed or if the related hazard is ended, the status of the follow-up action is changed to Completed. Any linked observations will be resolved and ended, by setting an end date-time.