Observation fields
If the observation is made about an asset, this field displays the asset.
Select the assessment to which the observation relates.
Assessment answer line
If the observation is related to a specific question in a questionnaire, select the answer line here.
Displays the generated code of the observation.
Enter a comment on the observation as required.
Enter a relevant description of the observation.
End date-time
Specify the date when the observation ends, because it has been acted upon.
Ended by
This field shows which related business object ended the observation. This can be a Disposed asset or an Ended space, for example. If the business object is resumed / put back in use, this field will be cleared.
Follow-up actions
Displays all follow-up actions that are linked to the observation.
Observation group
Select a relevant observation group as required.
If you want to enable taking over a priority from an observation to the follow-up action's order, select a relevant priority here. For follow-up actions, the order's priority is initially searched in the either the Standard order, the SLA or the Asset that is related to the observation. If no priority is found there, the value from this field is used.
If the observation is made about a property, this field displays the property.
Enter recommendations that relate to your observation.
If scoring applies to the observation, the scores are displayed here.
If the observation is made about a space, this field displays the space.
Standard observation
If applicable, select a standard observation from the dialog. Data will be auto-populated in some fields.
Start date-time
Specify the date when the observation was first made.