Measurement point is in status ‘Immeasurable’
The measurement point describes the Planon location for which (sensor) measurements can be received.
If a measurement point is malfunctioning, the data engine will set its (occupancy) status to Immeasurable.
The measurement point's monitoring mode is automatically switched on if the measurement point is in the
Immeasurable status. Information about the issue is displayed in the ( > tab)
System feedback field. You can also
enable monitoring manually.
If the Planon application sets a measurement point to (occupancy) status Immeasurable, it means that no measurement information can be received for that specific measurement point.
Most common reasons are:
• Related Connector is in status Immeasurable.
• Sensor system does not recognize the measurement ID (error code -1). This does not apply for a Planon IoT connector.
• Sensor system has received no data for the specific measurement point (error code -2) in a configured time-out period.
At the > more information is given about the error.
1. Check Connector
Where: AWM/Sensor management – Connectors
◦ Check if the related connector is not in status Immeasurable.
◦ Investigate and resolve the issue with connector.
2. Check measurement point
Where: AWM/Sensor management – Measurement points
◦ Check if the measurement point is available in the partner sensor system (error code -1)
Missing measurement point must be onboarded or Inactivated.
◦ Check if the measurement point receives measured data (error code -2, -9, -10, -98).
Mostly identified by a time-out check of the measurement point.
Resolve issue at the sensor system, the related sensors or other hardware have issues.
| In some situations, a measurement point will be kept in the Pause status with reason ‘Waiting for an upcoming update’ for a long period. In that case, also no data is received for that specific measurement point. |