Setting up an AWM dashboard
AWM dashboards allow you to visualize various analytics with specific filtering options. The charts can be zoomed in from:
Check whether the TSI Dashboard area is visible and contains data:
Dashboard area
Add a dashboard area for your properties:
Add dashboard area per propertyAdd dashboard area per property
Make sure the summarized readings of measurement points are up-to-date – you can do this by daily scheduling the summarization (via an action definition).
In the AWM dashboards, all charts in the dashboards are based on the Summarized readings of measurement points.
Creating the dashboard
Complete the following steps to create a dashboard:
1. Go to Web configuration > Agile Workplace and Space Management.
2. Click Add to create a new dashboard.
A set of hierarchical Publisher charts is created. Complete the required fields:
Available dashboard pages
Specify which of the available dashboard pages should be shown:
Valid value could be: WorkplaceAnalysis,Specific
Number of years
Specify how many years in the past data will be shown.
Valid value could be: 4
Default region
Specify which part of the world is shown on the map at start-up. The dashboard areas are shown in a drop-down list.
Valid value could be: W, World
Show density charts
Specify whether a Density (Utilization) chart must be added to the list (Yes).
Other settings ...
All other settings are standard Publisher Charts configuration,
3. Add the Dashboard to a navigation group in your navigation panel.